EnerFiber, our all-time best selling dietary fiber drink supplement!
100% natural juice, suitable for vegetarians and all age groups.
Made from Apple, Kiwi Fruit, Guava, Oat, Oat Fiber, Oligosaccharides, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, Spirulina, Stevia, Chlorophyll of Alfalfa and Natural Lemon Flavor.
How EnerFiber contributes to daily health?
Normalizes bowel movements and prevent constipation.
Balance body sugar level .
Promotes intestinal excretion of waste and toxins. Result to healthier skin complexion.
Reducing the risk of colon cancers; prevent developing hemorrhoids.
Enhances the growth of pro-biotics and improves body metabolism, strengthening your immune system.
Helps to feel full longer, control food intake and control body weight.
Recommendation to enjoy in the morning or before bed time.
Adult -- 1 - 2 packets
Children -- ½ - 1 packet
Worry not! It is easy to drink!
Open one sachet of EnerFiber.
Pour into 200ml room temperature water.
Shake well and drink!
For certifications' reference, you may visit the official website: https://www.mcocean.com/en/enerfiber_certificate.jsp
Cheers! <3